"The duty of a good Cuisinier is to transmit to the next generation everything he has learned and experienced."~Fernand Point

"A cookbook must have recipes, but it shouldn't be a blueprint. It should be more inspirational; it should be a guide." ~Thomas Keller

Wednesday, December 9, 2015


The procedure below requires combining water and oil. The beef is boiled until the water evaporates - this makes it more tender. The remaining oil fries the beef. You can skip this process by directly frying the beef in oil.

Serves: 4


1½ lb beef sirloin, thinly sliced
5 tablespoons soy sauce
3 tbsp minced garlic or 1 tablespoon garlic powder
2 tbsp sugar
¼ teaspoon salt
¼ teaspoon ground black pepper


In a container, combine soy sauce, garlic, salt, pepper, and sugar and mix well. Set aside

Place the beef in the clear plastic bag

Pour-in the the mixed seasonings in the
clear plastic bag with meat and mix well

Place inside the refrigerator and marinate for a minimum of 12 hours

In a pan, place 1 cup water and bring to a boil

Add 3 tbsp of cooking oil

Put-in the marinated beef tapa and cook until the water evaporates.

Source: FB

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