"The duty of a good Cuisinier is to transmit to the next generation everything he has learned and experienced."~Fernand Point

"A cookbook must have recipes, but it shouldn't be a blueprint. It should be more inspirational; it should be a guide." ~Thomas Keller

Monday, March 30, 2009

Chicken Soup

Just a simple nutritious chicken soup for a nice cool rainy like today. I simply boil three pieces of maryland (hipbone sides) till tender. Chuck in chopped onions. Add three pieces of bay leaf. Boil longer so the flavour will be pronounced and add vegetables (any of your choice). I used choko and beans as they are the only ones I have at hand. Season to taste with salt and paper, and add fresh coriander leaves, close the lid and take the pot out from the stove. Hmmmmm...Serve with rice or your favourite buttered toasted bread.

Bon appetit!

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